Al Phoenic, 46-54 Battersea Bridge Road, London, SW11 3AG

Fine Lebanese Cuisine

Al Phoenic

City West Water Trade Waste Agreement

Some non-residential customers who dump commercial waste do so as such a low risk that they do not justify a commercial waste agreement. If you are dumping commercial waste, but it is of a small amount or nature similar to domestic wastewater, you do not need this permit. You will need this license if you operate an industry, business, business or manufacturing process that generates commercial waste. Commercial waste is liquid waste from commercial and industrial operations that contains chemicals, greases, oils, greases and other solid particles that can cause problems when discharged into the sewer system. Commercial waste can come from commercial and industrial enterprises. Significant industrial or commercial waste comes from businesses that pose a high risk due to the nature and/or volume of the waste, including: Minor commercial or commercial waste comes from businesses that may contain grease, oil or food substances in their waste, including: Application fees range from $80.92 to $2236.94. Fee for 2021-22 Please contact the contact agent for more information. For more information on the fees to be submitted with your application, please refer to the attached document. The Agency has the right to determine whether or not you are exempt and to change your classification in response to a change in circumstances or new information. Contact the details of the email address, phone, and address of this service in a simple two-column table format, a header, and then data. A license defines the need to obtain recognition/certification and registration in order to carry out a particular business activity.


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