All programs subject to applicable salary or licensing requirements must use applications and forms marked “Traditional”. All other programs should use “Expansion Industries” forms. Expansion industries include those that are new to education, such as healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and technology. Please note that for apprenticeship agreements, while the sponsor may require the trainee to pay the $35 fee if an apprentice is unable to make an online payment without undue hardship, it is ultimately the sponsor`s responsibility to complete the online payment and submit the receipt or proof of payment to the Apprenticeship Standards Division. DAS does not accept agreements or payment receipts directly from interns. If you require technical assistance or would like to request accommodation, please email [email protected] or call 617-626-5409. To be modified, all forms submitted by email to the Apprenticeship Standards Division must be completed.B (i.e. there are no missing fields or incorrect data) and uploaded to [email protected]. Documents that contain personal information (for example.
B, Social Security number, date of birth) must be encrypted for secure download. Please use one of the form links below to print, complete, scan to a .pdf file format and send an email attached .pdf document to [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject of the email the type of forms submitted and the entity (e.B. name of sponsor, name of intern). DAS will only accept new applications for recognition of registered learning programs, training agreements and other requests for standard documents by email or through existing online processes until further notice. Currently, only completed and error-free forms are processed. For technical assistance, please contact Celina Pendexter at [email protected] or (617) 626-5407. You must keep an electronic copy of your payment receipt to be attached to all forms submitted to the Apprenticeship Standards Division. The application fee and other required payments must be made prior to the submission of the document, and a receipt/proof of payment of the online payment must be submitted using email forms. Documents will not be processed by DAS without the attached proof of payment. Fee payments required for the Annual Sponsorship/Renewal Application Fee, The Issuance/Renewal of the Apprentice Card, the Optical Trainee Application (one-time fee) or the Sponsor Verification Fee (per application) must be paid online through the Division of Apprentice Standard online payment system. To make a payment through our online system, you can create a direct link to the ministry`s online payment system [hyperlink to].
You can also go to, then scroll down and click on “DLS Online Payment”, then click on “Labour Standards Department Online Payment”. On this page, you will see the available online payments and fee amounts. Once you have determined the Learning Standards Division fee associated with submitting your form, you must: The Learning Standards Division (DAS) does not process physical documents submitted in person, by fax or by mail until further notice is received. DAS accepts all requests by email or through existing online processes, including payment of fees. .