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Example of an Internal Memorandum of Law

To: Name of the person who assigned the research project DE: Your name DATE: Date of the memorandum is indicated in RE: Name of the client and a brief description of the subject matter of the brief 13) The general section of the discussion presents or initiates your first section of the in-depth legal analysis; For example, it repeats the most important facts and the subject presented and introduces the overall legal norm. Notice how the author draws the reader`s attention to the key point of the doctrine that general advertising is treated in law as an invitation to negotiate and not as offers. In the header, specify the identity of the author, the recipient of the memorandum, the date the customer is located, and the subject. Use a dialing order in the header. There will most likely be several legal memoranda attached to the case. For a memorandum dealing with political issues, e.B. a submission to a law reform commission or politician, start with a summary of the issues and their importance. Wondering how to write a legal memorandum for dummies? Simply follow a few steps and insert specific sections to create this content.3 min read Write this in favor of another lawyer who has asked you to answer a certain question and is waiting for an answer to that question. Your reader may be generally familiar with the law you are discussing, but may not be familiar with certain cases (or, if applicable, legal provisions) that you have deemed relevant to the analysis. Therefore, as you write, keep asking yourself: will the reader be able to follow my analysis? Have I organized my analysis in such a way that all steps are followed in the “CRRACC” paradigm (conclusion-rule-statement-rule-explanation-application-counter-argument-conclusion)? If your organizational chart skips all the steps of your thought process (for example. B if you go directly from a simple statement of the rule to an application to your facts without first discussing in more detail the cases from which the rule is derived), your reader will not be able to follow your analysis and ultimately will not find your work useful. Remember to keep an eye on the needs and expectations of your audience (here a legally trained reader). The next step in creating the memorandum is to opt for a readability logic model.

This means writing the research in a way that is easy to understand and digest. The memorandum should be clear so that the reader understands the case and the laws that affect it. Proposals for an internal research memorandum (NB: There is not a single “good” style. Check your assignment instructions carefully.) One last important reminder: an office memorandum is a predictive statement of the law. You are not writing to convince a court, but to predict how a court would apply the law to the facts of your situation. Therefore, you need to maintain a objective tone and do not forget to address all the counter-arguments. This section of the statement includes the objective presentation of the customer`s information. The Facts section covers the relevant facts you used to prepare and research the memorandum.

Listing customer information and facts means that the reader is accessing the same information as you. This avoids confusion. This document contains a brief description of how to develop an office memorandum. The format and structure may vary somewhat from one law firm to another (and here at the law school from one professor to another). Once you`re in practice, you can customize the format to suit the needs of your desktop. Find books on legal writing by calling F15 in the Law Library at Level 3 or search for “legal writing” using the search. See, for example: Provide a formal and objective description of the legally significant facts of your research problem. Facts of legal importance are those which are relevant to the answer to the point of law referred.

In a question concerning, for example, whether a minor may refuse a contract, a legally significant fact would include the nature of the agreed object or service (clothing, food, shelter, health care, etc.) and whether the minor had in any event access to the object without having to be contractually obliged to: to pay for it. The description must be accurate and complete. .

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