In 1993 and 2003, tripartite agreements were signed which led to the establishment of autonomous and territorial councils of Bodoland under the sixth list of the Constitution for the areas inhabited by Bodo in Assam. The ABSU and its associated organizations, as well as various factions of the NDFB, continued to claim their own state. 6.1 The Government of India will implement the commitment made in the previous 2003 agreement to include Bodo-kacharis living in Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts in the ST (Hill) list of Assam within a specified period of time. 4.1 The BTC process to have more legislative, executive, administrative and financial powers with respect to additional matters, as set out in Annex I, will be launched within 90 days 4.2 Chief Secretary, BTC will have supervisory powers from the Registration Department in the BTAD area. Development of industrialized countries in Ramphalbill (Kokrajhar district) and Kokilabari (Baksa district) for the construction of small/medium-sized industries. 6. Issues related to identity, language, education, etc. (iv) The Government of Assam will take immediate steps towards the proper rehabilitation of Bodo activists who come to earth as a result of this agreement. Similarly, according to the rules, the government will arrange ex-Gratia payments to the next of kin killed during the Bodo unrest. The historic Settlement Memorandum aims to bring peace and stability to Assam. 3.3 The current district of the territorial areas of Bodoland (BTAD) will be renamed the territorial region of Bodoland, which includes the area covered by BTAD. The objective of this program is to grant the Bodos maximum autonomy for social, economic, educational, ethnic and cultural progress within the framework of the Constitution. 4.7 A tripartite mechanism headed by the Minister of cabinet of the Government of Assam, which deals with the affairs of BTC, and with a member of the BTC Executive and a representative of the MHA as members, shall be established to ensure the status of all laws/regulations adopted by BTC and transmitted to the State Government for approval by the Governor of Assam, regularly (no less than once every six months).
. The Law on the Autonomous Council of Bodoland was finalized when it received presidential approval on 13 May 1993. It was then published in the Assam Gazette (Extraordinary No. 60) on 15 May 1993. The law contained a provision reserving 40 elected members of the GENERAL COUNCIL of the BAC. This included 30 seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes. The law also ensured the executive power of the BAC on a total of 38 issues, ranging from cottage industry, education, forestry to land and land revenues. After 20 May 1993, an Interim Executive Council of Bodoland (BEC) was formed under the leadership of Sansuma Khunggur Bwiswmuthiary, President of ABSU. Four months later, the head of the BEC, Bwiswmuthiary, resigned, claiming that the reason for his resignation was non-compliance with the provisions of the Bodo Agreement. The government of Assam then appointed Premsing Brahman (deputy head) as chairman of the BEC. The State handed over power to the Executive Council on 10 June 1993.1 4.5 Deputy Commissioners and District Police Superintendents within the BTAD are usually seconded in consultation with the Chief Executive Member of the BTC. The provision of the agreement on the recruitment of the BAC to paramilitaries and the police of the state of Assam has never been implemented.
After the LAR area was not demarcated and the Bodo Executive Council proved ineffective, Bodo groups engaged in unrest and armed violence. (b) Customary district courts subordinated within a civilian subdivision, and Bodo activists who surrendered under the 1993 agreement, as well as leaders associated with the Bodo movement, have not been prosecuted for their involvement in violent conflicts. 3.1 A commission shall be appointed in accordance with Article 14 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution shortly after the signing of the MoS to examine and recommend: 9.4 Criminal proceedings registered against members of NFB factions for non-heinous crimes shall be withdrawn by the Government of Assam in accordance with the procedure established by law. Criminal cases registered in the context of heinous offences will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the relevant policy. Legal guarantees for the land rights of tribal members. 9.2 The Government of India and the Government of Assam, in consultation with the NFB factions, will take the necessary steps to rehabilitate the cadres. Such measures may include, inter alia, (i) lump sum payment of premiums, (ii) financing of economic activities through existing government programmes in the fields of fisheries, pig farming, organic farming, poultry farming, etc., (iii) commercial/vocational training on the basis of locally available resources, and (iv) recruitment of appropriate government bodies on the basis of eligibility. 8. Special measures to be taken by the Government of Assam (ii) LAC would also receive grants from time to time under the principles and policies established by the Government of India. To troubleshoot Bodos residing outside of BTAD. The Sports Authority of India focuses on Udalguri, Baksa and Chirang. Lac will have the authority to reserve seats for Scheduled Tribes in its area of responsibility.
However, the exercise of these powers shall be carried out in accordance with existing constitutional and legal provisions. Construction of embankments to protect against erosion and flooding as part of a river management project. 3.4 The Government of Assam may consider reorganizing the districts following a change in the BtAD area for administrative reasons. The “technical character” must be included in the “flood protection for the protection of villages, rice fields, markets and cities”. 1 – The Government of India and the Government of Assam have made concerted efforts to meet the political, economic, social, cultural and identity aspirations of the Bodo people. (b) The provisions on the allocation of funds in Article 4(i)(a) should be in line with the spirit of the amendments (seventy-second) and seventy-third amendments. . The planning and determination of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes living in the Bodo regions shall be carried out in accordance with the Commission appointed by the Government of India in accordance with the Constitution. (iii) Increase BTC constituencies to a maximum of 60 seats after changing the zone without affecting the existing reserve percentage for tribe members. The BAC will be composed of a General Council composed of 40 members, 35 of whom will be elected on the basis of the right to vote for adults and will have a lifespan of five years.
The government will be empowered to appoint 5 members to the Council, in particular groups that would not otherwise be represented. This Council shall be empowered to adopt statutes, rules and implementing regulations in the field of blood alcohol concentration on the subjects listed in Annex A. In consultation with the Guwahati High Court, steps will be taken to establish special courts in the LAC area, as outlined below, to hear prosecutions and cases between the parties, all belonging to the Scheduled Tribe or Tribes, in accordance with tribal customary law and procedures, as appropriate. In addition to general financial arrangements, the Government has also created opportunities for self-employment in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, poultry farming, broiler farming, dairy farming, mini-tea horticulture, etc. 1 Trade and commerce within BTC subject to the provisions of entry 33 of List III of Annex VII of the Constitution. The Agricultural Machinery Bank has identified centres with infrastructure to support livelihoods and agricultural development. In the following years, the BLT became the de facto guardian organization of the Bodo movement. On 10 February 2003, the BLT, the central government and the government of Assam signed a new Bodo Agreement to create the Bodololand Territorial Council.1 The new agreement created four new districts.